Sacred Destinations

A Year of Individual Ceremony for Personal and Spiritual Transformation with Clare Russell


After beautiful ceremony

After beautiful ceremony


Let go of your resistance to and fear of change –  discover your courage

Tune in to, harmonise and ride the energetic currents of your life – discover your flow

Stop carrying the past as a burden – discover your freedom

Heal, honor and make whole your mind, body and soul – discover your self-love

Discover the innate wisdom and intuitive guidance of your Soul – discover your confidence

Tap into synchronicities and signs in your life and uncover their meaning – discover your magic

Discover your deep well of creativity and Soul Power – discover your purpose

Stories to transform


Contact Clare to receive full details of the program and to book your Free 20 minute call to see how Authentic Ceremony can create a real sustainable change for you.


“Working with Clare has been a profoundly transformational and beautiful experience. During my year of personal ceremony I have come to fully honour all parts of my life and my femininity. I have experienced amazing healing from working with Clare and my life has taken a new direction, wholeness and purpose since beginning the programme.

She is deeply intuitive and senses exactly what is right for the moment and the individual. Each session varies greatly and is created uniquely between myself and Clare (with a little help from the Goddesses) depending on what is arising in my life for that month. The programme is very personal and very deep.

 If you feel at all called to work with Clare then go for it, the programme is so experiential and personal it is almost intangible to describe what it will be like from a rational perspective. Once you make the commitment and trust your intuition a whole new world opens up.
 Keeley Tomkinson

How Authentic Ceremony is your vehicle for Personal Transformation

Ceremony is a wholistic practice that understand humans are spiritual, embodied, emotional, intuitive, intelligent, relational, energetic beings.
Situations and experiences in your life are not just whats on the surface; when you read and understand the wider context of the ‘field’ in which you travel, ( for example; ancestral, cultural,  soulful) your purpose and creative potential appears to you.
By traveling a path of guided authentic sacred ceremony for one year, you open this field of potential, and your soul purpose is given space to be heard.  Miracles happen through ceremony, the rainbow of personal discovery above describes what my clients have experienced from being guided in the art of authentic ceremony. ceremonypetals
A Year program of Individual Ceremony with Clare Russell
Join Clare for a year to step into your greatest potential through the alchemy of Authentic ceremony.
Open to the magic and mystery ready to wake up within you and join Clare for a 12 month cycle of individual sacred experience of healing, growth and transformation through:
  • Monthly Individual healing, energetic alignment ,soul embodiment sessions with Clare.
  • Monthly tailored ceremonial processes, based on your key themes and goals
  • Vibrational and energetic shifts through the use of Aurora Alchemy anointing Oils.
  • A 60-minute consultation session at the beginning of the year to discuss your spiritual direction and personal goals for the year, as well as receiving your aurora alchemy oil consultation.
  • Follow the ‘wheel of the year’ through 8 guides to the season for each equinox and Solstice and cross quarter festivals.
Contact Clare to receive full details of the program and to book your Free 20 minute call to see how Authentic Ceremony can create a real sustainable change for you.


Be facilitated in expressing authentic ceremony; create your year of profound transformation and growth.

Move from mundane to meaningful, from the daily grind to holy grail: reclaim meaning, purpose and soul as the driving forces in your life

Become the cause of your transformation, healing and awakening through reconnecting with your own ability and empowerment.

  • This was an incredible, inspiring trip, with like-minded souls, that has brought a new level of stillness and depth into my life.”
  • I really enjoyed it!! So amazing to experience the crop circles! Very profound, still, sacred spaces! Lovely bunch of people! Clare was an amazing guide! Lovely person! Stunning area, so beautiful.”
  • Mount Shasta experience was life changing. I met wonderful, most amazing people and shared a heavenly love. The visit to the hot bath was quite exhilarating. Living by the lake in the log cabins was the best part of the trip, where you could go for a dip in the lake every morning and watch the sun rise. Totally magical experience, highly recommended. Love”
  • Ireland Goddess Tour 2014 photos
  • Avalon Photos 2014: Lineages of Light Tour
  • 2013 Goddesslands tour: Ireland and Avalon
  • Bosnian Pyramids photos: Summer Solstice tour 2013!
  • Mount Shasta Living Light Tour 2012