Authentic Ceremony Events
Reclaiming the Sacred Through Authentic Ceremony
Each day we enter into a sacred experience of living, however it is often shrouded in the mundane. We can become unaware of the magic just beneath the surface and loose heart; our connection to spirit, grace and love diminished in our ‘normal life’. The ancient art of ceremony is a holder for the sacred, the recognition of our ability to directly access and be part of the magic.
In our modern living, we can feel disconnected from ceremony, believing it to be attached to a religion or tradition. However ceremony is deeply embedded in our soul and we can create authentic ceremony using our intuitive guidance and the power of intention.
We have learnt that consciousness creates. Ceremony, as a container of focused consciousness catalyses our individual soul power and can collectively activate huge waves of positive change. In this evening event, Clare will share what’s at the heart of ceremony, why ceremony is important and how you can be bring it into your life in a relevant way.
Clare Russell is giving talks and 1 day events to explore this rich subject.
Her last event was Chalice Well Water blessings and the Divine Feminine in summer 2013. Click on the image to read more and get a taste of Clare’s workshops.