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My travels to the Bosnian Pyramids
By Clare Russell
The overriding experience of going to the apex of the Pyramid of the Sun, and walking through the tunnels that are currently being dug out (and anticipated to link all the 5 pyramids at the site) is joyfulness.
The pyramid dig has attracted volunteers from all over the world and all backgrounds, from geologists, archeologists to those who simply feel drawn to come. In talking with those on the dig, there is a simpleness to their sharing; that what they are finding is amazing, beyond current comprehension and something that leaves them humbly grateful for being there.
They know that what they are working on is something phenomenal that demonstrates extremely advanced civilization before recorded European civilization. You might say, sure, in Egypt, but really in Bosnia, Europe?
Here’s a taster of the phenomenal discoveries they have made:
– The Pyramid of the Sun is the biggest pyramid structure in the world with the most precise orientation to the cosmic north of any pyramid. The Pyramid of the Sun is also covered in rectangular sheets of concrete that is more superior in quality than our own current day concrete, in terms of hardness and low water absorption.
– From analysis of the layers of soil on top of the pyramid, and from the concrete slabs, they know it to be 12,000 + years old
– They have found 5 pyramids in the area – it‘s a big site!
– Ceramic eggs (they are know to be hollow, containing objects) one of 8 tonnes found in the tunnels– dated to between 6,000 – 32,000 years old. Also all ‘megoliths’ of this kind have been placed over natural water springs
– A small lake in the tunnels has been measured and shows that the ionization levels are 43 times the average outside. Translation: the water is extremely pure and healing.
– Energy readings from the apex of the pyramids show a beam of energy (4.5meters large, 28hHz), coming out of the top that gets stronger as it moves upwards away from the pyramid – contradicting our current understanding of physics.
My personal experience of traveling to the pyramids was deeply moving and energetically definite. As we came nearer the valley containing the pyramids, the energy vibration was increasing dramatically, before we knew the pyramids were there, we were feeling the focus and calling of them through the vibration and heat in our hands, clear sensations on the crown of our head and 3rd eye. We knew it was a deeply spiritual and sacred place.
On our 1st day we took a trip to the tunnels that are a working dig – again dated to over 12,000 years old. Our guide spent 2 hours taking us through and around the tunnels, pointing out the obvious archeological interest and leading us to key high-energy vortexes that both our cells and the pendulum confirmed! We came out into the sunlight peaceful, with that inner silent wow. We knew we had seen into another world.
On our 2nd day, (along with the other sites), I had a special interest in climbing to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun. We awoke to cloud and rain and were told that the path would be too treacherous. However we headed out and arrived at the plateau, greeted by a wonderful lady for Turkish coffee in her home. Just as we finished the coffee, the rain cleared and we started our walk. Just us, local restoration workers, and the pyramid. Reaching the top, we just stood, nothing to do, just Be, connecting and meditating together. Feeling utterly blessed to be there, totally connected to the moment and beyond words. Joyfulness, love and gratitude were what came forth.
So many gifts on our adventure tour, so much love, insight, guidance and joy! I felt how these pyramids are positive energy technology! I’m exceptionally excited to travel with many of you again there for the summer solstice of 2012 and the Bosnian Pyramid New Earth Tour.
I felt called to record a meditation to connect more people with the beautiful White Light Beings that live in this amazing place. Sooo strong lovely energy… Please enjoy this free audio/mp3 meditation:
The heart of Shasta Experience 2011
By Clare Russell
From September 11-17th, with LCS implementing the organization, I along with 7 co-facilitators from around the world, created the Mount Shasta Experience – a week long adventure to connect deeply with ourselves, to experience the beautiful Mount Shasta and surrounding national park, and most importantly to experience ourselves co-creating as a community. Together Aang Aakha, Carly Grace, Pedro Dantas Cardoso, Rebecca Venkatraman, Simon Sutton, Vaz Sriharan & Yantara Jiro, along with the London College of Spirituality we had the incredible opportunity to co-create this tour and bring to Mount Shasta 44 amazing beings from all over the world!
My co-facilitators and I felt strongly that one of the key challenges and opportunities available now is to learn to create collectively in a way that:
- Is always from the heart and recognizes unconditional love as the platform for harmonious, effective and sustainable creation.
- Empowers each individual to recognize the abundance of gifts, skills, insights and unique talents they have to give.
- Honors all life, celebrates the abundance & beauty of Gaia and listens to her wisdom.
- Opens to flow, synchronicity and the ‘aliveness’ of each moment.
And with these understandings, the retreat unfolded itself in ways that challenged, opened and shifted us substantially, a metamorphosis from which there is no going back! Here are a few of the highlights

Look at all these wonderful shiny people! Thanks goes again to LCS who did the amazing job of implementing the organization of this trip, to the wonderful team of co-facilitators, and in this picture with a special guest Judy Satori who lead an amazing workshop for us all.
When we arrived in Shasta, our total tour size had grown to the perfect size of 44. Many of you will have felt the significance of double numbers; my feeling is that they open and hold a possibility of new, clear, more potent energy. Some call these ‘master numbers’, gifted to us at certain times for certain purposes.
4 is representative of the 4th Chakra = the Heart, and we went to Shasta to run a retreat culminating in the Heart Calling – an event to recognize the immense love we hold within us and ceremoniously offer this love to the planet and all who live on it. The whole group resonated and felt this heart opening profoundly, and in the town of Shasta, we became known as “UK44”.
Giving & Receiving
We went up the Mountain for meditations and as I sat taking in the majestic snowcap, smelling the pine fragranced air and feeling the clarity that this level of purity in nature provides, I gained a deepened understanding of what it means to give and receive.
I felt how it is only when I honor the abundant resources within me that I can give fully. To give from a place of not valuing who I am, what I have to share, (or considering these gifts small), dishonors who I am and cuts off the opportunity to grow into my potential. Equally, to receive requires the same honoring of self, to allow this soulful, infinite self to receive. On Shasta, I felt giving & receiving as a dance of life communicating with itself, in the same way that a couple gracefully gliding across the dance floor are not ‘counting’ how many times their partner twirled or followed them, equally the flow of giving and receiving becomes one flowing movement, an interchange between different aspects of life. As one such aspect, my responsibility is to step more fully into who I am and then I allow the dance to begin.
The Natural Flow & Opening
Mount Shasta, and the surrounding areas are recognized by the Native Americans as a place of many sacred and spiritual sites. Indeed, Shasta has become a place of pilgrimage, meditation, ceremony and retreat for people of different faiths. I also met people in Shasta who were of no particular faith, however felt a special calling to the mountain, traveling from all over the world to vacation here. Their demeanor was one of stillness, peacefulness and also communicating that they felt fed by the energy of the place, even though they did not quite understand how.
As a group, we quickly dropped into the same energy, feeling the distinct energies of each sacred sites.
With all of nature’s sacred spots, what comes from the experience is beyond words, awe at the magnificence of the place. We lose the edges of who we are and expand into nature as part of it, at one with it.
The retreat experience also included profound, beautiful workshops, meditations, music &talks by each facilitator, amplified and imprinted by the landscape. These events merge with the experience of being there, the distinction between ‘work’ and ‘play’ diminished and the flow of the week unfolded in new & beautiful ways.
Thank you Gaia, Shasta, UK44 and the amazing co-creators who shared this experience with me!